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On average, 10,000 poeple die in result of earthquakes every year. 

When an Earthquake ends, it doesn't always mean that the pain is over. most people suffer more post-earthqauke than during one. They are left homeless, with deceased family and friends, jobless, and in some scenarios, with PTSD.
No Jobs
Homes Wrecked 

Earhquakes cause buildings and structures to crumble, fall, and coolapse. This leaves thousands of people without homes . 

Posttrautmatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Much like homes, many people's places of work are destroyed which leaves many citizens wihtout a job. 

In some cases, people develop posttraumatic stress disorder after experincing devastating earthquakes. PTSD is a sort of anxiety disorrrder. This can be a result of undergoing a great psychological trauma, such as a earthquake. This usually occurs after a "Megaquakes" which are Earthquakes that are rated at 9.0 or higher on the richter scale.

Loved Ones Lost

Effects on Humans


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